中国东南地区数学奥林匹克(Chinese Southeast Mathematical Olympiad 简称CSMO)起源于浙赣闽地区数学奥林匹克,当时为了加强闽浙赣地区数学奥林匹克的协作和交流,三省数学奥林匹克协作体在中国数学奥委会副主 根据中国数学会奥林匹克委员会的建议,决定于 一、活动安排
二、报到地点 福建省莆田第一中学(学校体育馆内) 地址:福建省莆田市城厢区学院南街1699号 邮编:351100 三、报到时间: 四、参赛费用 1.各位队员、领队、来宾的往返旅费自行承担。 2.闽浙赣三省协作体学校:组一支代表队(一领队四队员),交2012年协作体年会费3000元(每多1人再交800元参赛费);若组两支或两支以上代表队,第二支代表队开始按非协作体学校标准收费。 3.非闽浙赣三省协作体学校:每支代表队(一领队四队员)交参赛费4000元/队,每多1人再交1000元参赛费。 4.观察员、随行人员─自行负责在莆田期间的费用(除大会统一安排外),另需缴纳1000元人民币给组委会,作为比赛期间的费用 5、活动期间食宿等费用由承办单位负责。领队原则上安排在校外宾馆住宿,费用自理。 6.特邀嘉宾由承办单位与中国数学奥林匹克委员会协商,统一安排。 五、其它: 联系方式: 吴天然:电话:0594-2631666 手机:13599011600 传真:0594-2631938 林炳宗:电话:0594-2631918 手机:13706058196 蒲锦泉:手机:13959583916 电子邮箱 中国东南地区数学奥林匹克组委会 莆田第一中学 注:请各参赛学校在 附件:第九届中国东南地区数学奥林匹克回执
第九届中国东南地区数学奥林匹克回执 参赛队名称:___________ 带队老师: 联系电话: 电子邮箱:
Formal Notification for Holding the 9th China Southeast Mathematical Olympiad(CSMO), formerly known as the Under the proposal of the China Mathematics Olympiad Committee, the 9th CSMO is scheduled from July 25th, 2012 to 30th in Putian No.1 Middle School, Fujian, China. In order to stage it successfully, we would like to give you a formal notification on following items: Agenda:
Registration site: 福建省莆田市城厢区学院南街1699号 Putian No.1 Middle School, Fujian, China (inside the school stadium) Post Code: 351100 Registration time: July 25th 2012 Cost: 1. All members, including team leaders, contestants and guests, will be responsible for their own touring fares to and fro. 2. Member schools of the FZJMOU: one team(4 team members and 1 team leader), ¥3000RMB/team, ¥800RMB for each additional person. two teams or more: the additional team or teams will be charged as non-member schools do. 3. Non member schools of the FZJMOU:¥4000RMB/team (1 team leader and 4 team members), ¥1000RMB for each additional person. 4. Observers and accompanying staff: Bear their own fares during the stay in Putian (except for those arranged by the committee). And every team is expected to pay another ¥1000RMB to the organizing committee as expenses during the competition. 5. Food and accommodation throughout CSMO are paid by the organizer. The team leaders should reside in a hotel and expenses should be covered by themselves. 6. The accommodation of special guests are to be arranged after negotiation between the host and other organizers. Additional information: Contact us: Mrs. Wu Tianran: Tel: 0594-2631666 Mobile phone number: 13599011600 Fax: 0594-2631938 Mr. Lin Bingzong Tel: 0594-2631918 Mr. Pu Jinquan Mobile phone number: 13959583916 Please inform us of the exact information about your arrival time in Putian such as train numbers or flight numbers ahead of time for the convenience of our arrangement Organizing Committee of Putian No.1 June 10, 2012 Postscript We’d appreciate it if you can email your return receipt to Putian No.1 Middle School before June, 30th, 2012. Teachers in charge of your teams please also inform us of your detailed contact information (mobile phone number, E-mail etc.) Return receipt Team:___________ Team leader: Phone number: E-mail:
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地址: 莆田市城厢区霞林街道办学园南街1699号 351100 05942631666 电话:05942631666 传真地址:05942631938